The MamasteFit Childbirth Education course teaches the anatomy and physiology of pregnancy and birth to take the mystery of labor away! Understand why you are feeling what you feel, and learn strategies to confidently move through pregnancy and birth!
Hi! I'm Gina!
I'm the head coach and certified birth doula of MamasteFit, and I'm here to teach you the science of pregnancy and birth so that you can feel more confident in navigating this transformative time in your life!
Hi! I'm Roxanne!
I'm a labor and delivery nurse, and have supported women in labor for the past five years! I share the medical perspective of labor in this course, and am passionate about supporting moms in labor as a nurse!
This course covers:
- Pregnancy and Birth Anatomy & Physiology: Understand the science of what is happening in your body!
- Prenatal Comfort Measures: Mobility and movement strategies to find comfort throughout your entire pregnancy
- Labor Timeline: How can you know you’re in labor? How can you tell how “in labor” you are? We will share labor clues to help inform you on your progress!
- Birth Options & Interventions: What is available in your local hospital to support your birth experience? How can you make an informed decision on your care as a family? Learn how to plan for birth with your provider on your side!
- Labor Comfort Measures: Teach your birth partner how to better support you in labor! Learn our labor support protocol that your partner can apply throughout labor to help find ease and comfort.
- Pushing: Learn strategies and techniques to help you navigate the pushing phase! Know different positions, breathing techniques, and how to minimize tearing!
- Postpartum: What to expect in the immediate postpartum, and how to initiate breastfeeding!
New content added regularly! You will have access to all updated videos and new content instantly!
The Complete Childbirth Education Course Curriculum
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
- The Pelvis (9:13)
- Podcast: Is Your Pelvis Too Small?
- Muscles that Support the Pelvis (10:49)
- Prepare the Pelvis to Open for Birth (19:13)
- The MamasteFit Birth Prep Circuit (23:50)
- The Pelvic Floor (44:38)
- Breathing Drills for Pelvic Floor Relaxation & Function (23:47)
- Relaxing the Pelvic Floor (32:32)
- Podcast: Pelvic Floor Prep Episodes
- The Uterus (7:40)
- Contractions: What is Happening? (20:27)
- Your Baby's Positions (29:05)
- Breech Positioning (5:24)
- Breech Birth Stories
- Bonding with Baby (5:43)
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
- Planning for Birth (46:08)
- Podcasts: Choosing Your Birth Team & Location
- Hospital Birth: Arriving at Your Birth Location (21:40)
- GBS (14:55)
- Induction (38:45)
- Podcast: Induction Episodes
- Induction Birth Stories
- Natural Induction Methods (7:24)
- Monitoring: Fetal & Contraction (19:34)
- Pain Relief Options (40:04)
- Podcast: Epidural and Pain Relief
- Epidural Birth Stories
- Pushing Interventions (11:54)
- Cesarean Section (32:23)
- C-Section Birth Stories
- VBAC Birth Stories
Available in
after you enroll
- The Mental Preparation & Relaxation Techniques (24:02)
- Podcast: Giving Birth Without an Epidural
- Unmedicated Birth Stories
- Breathing Techniques for Labor (8:52)
- Labor Fueling: What to Eat (5:35)
- Counterpressure Techniques (19:38)
- Comfort Techniques & Ideas (20:56)
- Birth Partner Support Guidance (5:03)
- Power of Intuition (3:58)
- Pelvis Biomechanics (27:37)
- Resting or Epidural Positions (15:05)
- Labor Positions Reference Section
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
This course comes with:
- 5 + hours of videos covering the childbirth education topics in an easy to understand way! Each video is 2-5 minutes long, to help make our content easily retainable!
- Our 80-page Childbirth Education E-Book
- Access to our private Facebook group where you can ask your questions and connect with other expectant families!
We do offer a condensed version of this course at a lower price! The condensed course ONLY covers labor physiology and labor comfort measures + pushing.